Anti-doping research is one of the strategies followed by SLADA to minimize doping. SLADA research unit engaged in Community based research and Laboratory research to find new knowledge for the betterment of Sri Lankan sports

Research Findings

1. Screening for performance enhancing substances and quantification of ethanol in different Arishta manufactured in Sri Lanka

Jayashika Fernando, P.N., Pigera, S., Nimesha Rashani, S.A., Fernando, R., Weerasinghe, P., Godakumbura, T.D., Niriella, M.A., Jayawickreme, S. and de Silva, A.P., 2020. Screening for performance enhancing substances and quantification of ethanol in different Arishta manufactured in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal, 65(4), p.112-117.DOI:

2. Dietary Supplement Usage, Associated Knowledge and Attitudes of Sri Lankan National-Level Athletes: A Cross Sectional Study.

Suraweera Aracchilage Nimesha Rashani, Shehani Pigera, PunchividanelageNilu Jayashika Fernando, Madunil Anuk Niriella, Seevali Jayantha Jayawickreme, & Arjuna Priyadarsin De Silva. 2021. Dietary Supplement Usage, Associated Knowledge and Attitudes of Sri Lankan National-Level Athletes: A Cross Sectional Study. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition, 4,3.

3. Retrospective Study on Health Impact of Dietary Protein, Vitamin and Electrolyte Supplementation: A Pilot Study

Fernando, P. N. J., Pigera, S., Rashani, S. A. N., Jayawickrema, S. J., & Silva, A. P. de. 2022. Retrospective Study on Health Impact of Dietary Protein, Vitamin and Electrolyte Supplementation: A Pilot Study. Asian Food Science Journal, 21,5, 47- 54 DOI: 10.9734/afsj/2022/v21i530430

1. Do common Arishta preparations manufactured in Sri Lanka contain Anabolic Androgenic steroids ,Stimulants or Ethanol?

Fernando R,Pigera S,Rashani SAN,Fernando PNJ,Weerasinghe DPP,Godakumbura KKDTD,Niriella MA,Jayawickreme S,De Silva AP, Do common Arishta preparations manufactured in Sri Lanka contain Anabolic Androgenic steroids ,Stimulants or Ethanol? Sri Lanka Medical Association, Ceylon Medical Journal, 2018;63 suppl I: 114

2. Dietary supplement usage of athletes in a South Asian regional country; Sri Lanka

Punchividanelage Nilu Jayashika Fernando, Rashani, SAN, Pigera, S, Niriella, MA, Jayawickreme, S and de Silva AP, (2018) Dietary supplement usage of athletes in a South Asian regional country; Sri Lanka,4th International conference of sports medicine and fitness, Edinburgh, Scotland, Journal of sport medicine and doping studies,14-15 November 2018, PP.49

3. Knowledge, perception and practice of elite athletes towards dietary supplementsin a South Asian Country Sri Lanka

Shehani Anne Dilrushi Pigera , S Pigera , S A N Rashani, P N J Fernando , S Jayawickreme , M A Niriella and A P de Silva,(2018), Knowledge, perception and practice of elite athletes towards dietary supplementsin a South Asian Country Sri Lanka,4thInternational conference of sports medicine and fitness, Edinburgh, Scotland, Journal of sport medicine and doping studies,14-15 November 2018,PP.63

4. The health effects of the combined use of protein,multivitamin and electrolyte dietary supplements on Sri Lankan athletes:A pilot study

Fernando PNJ,Pigera S.Rashani SAN,Niriella MA,Jayawickreme S,De Silva AP,The health effects of the combined use of protein,multivitamin and electrolyte dietary supplements on Sri Lankan athletes:A pilot study, Sri Lankan Medical Association, Ceylon Medical Journal,2020;64suppl I:27

5. Prevalence of Dietary Supplements among University Athlete Regime in Sri Lanka: A Cross-Sectional Study

S. A. N. Rashani, S. Pigera, P. N. J. Fernando, S. Jayawickema, M. A. Niriella, A. P. De Silva, Prevalence of Dietary Supplements among University Athlete Regime in Sri Lanka: A Cross-Sectional Study, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Sport and Health Sciences Vol:16, No:03, 2022.

6. An overview of anti-doping rule violations in Sri Lankan sports from 2014 to 2020.

Fernando PN, Rashani SA, Pigera S, Niriella MA, Jayawickreme SJ, de Silva AP. An overview of anti-doping rule violations in Sri Lankan sports from 2014 to 2020. International Conference of Sports Science-AESA 2022 Mar 7 (Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-1).

7. An Evaluation of Anti-Doping Education program of Sri Lanka Anti-Doping Agency in preventing doping among athletes-Interventional Study

Rashani, S.A.N., Pigera, S., Fernando, P.N.J., Jayawicrema, S., Pilipitiya, S. and De Silva, A.P., 2023, March. An Evaluation of Anti-Doping Education program of Sri Lanka Anti-Doping Agency in preventing doping among athletes-Interventional Study. In International Conference of Sports Science-AESA (Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 22-22).

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Does arishta contain performance enhancing substances

Ashwagandharishta, Balarishta and Dashamoolarishta have been used in ayurvedic medicine to improve body strength and power. Ethanol develops in-source during arishta manufacturing process. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of performance enhancing substances banned by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and determine their ethanol content. In this study, Ashwagandarishta, Balarishta, Dashamoolarishta from four different manufacturers were screened for 21 stimulant and 22 anabolic androgenic steroids banned by WADA, using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometry. Ethanol content of the twelve arishta samples were also measured.

Results of this study demonstrated that tested anabolic androgenic steroids or stimulants were not present in the arishta samples and ethanol content was between (5.80–8.35) ±0.5 (v/v). Further study is needed to investigate the presence of precursors which can be bio transformed in to a stimulant or anabolic androgenic steroid banned by WADA.

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The original research article is published in Ceylon Medical Journal 2020; 65: 112-117. URL :

Dietary supplements induced health effects

Daily use of commercially available protein, multivitamin and electrolyte dietary supplements is a common practice among Sri Lankan athletes. The aim of this study is to identify the effects of using these multiple dietary supplements on athlete’s health. Fourty five healthy athletes were participated for this pilot study. These participants were selected by screening 108 athletes. They were identified in to two groups as dietary supplement users and non-supplement users. Dietary supplement users were consuming protein, multivitamin and electrolyte dietary supplements daily for more than 2 months continuously. Their health status was evaluated by testing lipid profile, kidney profile, liver profile, full blood count, fasting blood glucose, urine full report and urine protein/creatinine from a recognized medical laboratory. In addition to that their general physical examination was conducted by a physician and nutritional assessment was also carried out. Use of multiple supplements between 2-5 months, has a negative effect on the lipid profile and body weight of athletes. High risk to increase total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels were observed among multiple supplements users than non-users. Multiple supplement users showed high risk for being overweight compared to non-users. This risk was varied with the duration of supplement use and the sport involved. This study further reviles that the athletes are not aware about their nutrient intake through meals.

Therefore, it is important to consult a Sport Physician or a Nutritionist before taking dietary supplements and to test serum lipid level in every six months if athletes are using protein, multivitamin dietary supplements continuously.

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This research findings were published in the 133rd Annual Scientific sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association. URL : -
Retrospective Study on Health Impact of Dietary Protein, Vitamin and Electrolyte Supplementation: A Pilot Study | Asian Food Science Journal ( URL : -
Retrospective Study on Health Impact of Dietary Protein, Vitamin and Electrolyte Supplementation: A Pilot Study | Asian Food Science Journal (

A study about dietary supplement usage, associated knowledge and attitudes of Sri Lankan national -level athletes.


This study was conducted to find out dietary supplement prevalence, types of supplements, reason to use and knowledge and attitudes of athletes regarding supplement use. It was done with 386 (Male = 66.8%, Female = 33.2%) national-level athletes representing 12 sport types. A pre-validated self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Time, date and places to collect the data was determined with the support of coaches, federations and Ministry of sports.


Out of total number of participants, 91.5% of athletes (354) used at least one dietary supplement. The most prevalent supplement types were multivitamin (57.0%), sports drinks (49.7%), proteins (43.5%), calcium (19.7%) and creatine (17.4%). According to the results, supplement usage has not changed much according to the gender, social status, education and the profession but also it depended on the type of sport played. Many athletes (56.8%) used multiple supplements per day. Rugby (72.7%) and wrestling (76.5%) players showed highest multiple supplement consumption including protein, multivitamin and creatine per day. Wrestling athletes (73.7%) showed the highest creatine supplement usage per day. Athletes within the age range of 25-31 are highly addicted to supplements and male athletes are more attracted towards them than females. Many athletes used supplements to enhance performance (41.8%) and energy (54.5%). Further, majority (60.5%) has self-decided the supplement type that they used. Only 28.7% of athletes have taken advices of doctors regarding supplement use. As a percentage 92.7% of athletes believed that dietary supplements are needed to maintain good health. As well as, 74.6% of athletes believed that supplements should be consumed to win games. 91.3% of athletes showed sufficient knowledge about supplements and among them many had represented international level games.16.5% of supplement users did not have clear understanding or reason to use supplements. Further, Among the supplement consumers 14.8% of protein consumers,51.8% of multivitamin consumers and 37.3% of creatine consumers consumed them without any scientific evaluation about ingredients, benefits and safety of use.


Sri Lankan national-level athletes are highly addicted to dietary supplements and most of them use supplements blindly without rationale. Although, many athletes have attended to the anti-doping awareness programs, they have not used the knowledge practically. Therefore, the attitudes and practices related to dietary supplements should be further developed with correct knowledge and dietary counselling. This research findings were published in the international journal of Exercise and Nutrition Vol.4 No.3 (2021).
URL : -

Prevalence of Dietary Supplements among University Athlete Regime in Sri Lanka: A Cross-Sectional Study


Dietary supplement (DS) consumption is drastically trending among the young athlete generation in developing Countries. Many athletes try to fulfill their nutrition requirements using dietary supplements without knowing their effects on health and performance. The risk associated with supplement use and inadvertent doping are unknown by young athletes. Athlete should basically focus on nutrition from healthy diet other than using supplements to enhance performances. This study aimed to assess the DS usage patterns of university athletes in Sri Lanka.


According to the study results we found that DS use among university athletes population was 48.2%. Protein, vitamin, sports drinks, and creatine were the most consumed DS. Weightlifting, football, rugby, and wrestling players showed higher DS usage compared to other sports. University athletes who won interuniversity games showed significantly low DS intake compared to others. Interestingly, DS use was significantly affected by the season of use, pointing out that competition and training seasons was the most frequent use. The pharmacy was the commonest place to buy DS. Students who used nutrient-dense meal plans during the training and competition period still showed a 61.0% tendency to consume DS.

An Evaluation of Anti-Doping Education program of Sri Lanka Anti -Doping Agency in preventing doping among athletes


This study was conducted to evaluate the anti-doping awareness program (ADAP) of Sri Lanka Anti-Doping Agency according to the knowledge of prohibited substances, doping rules, doping behavior and moral detachment of athletes after participating to the program.


According to the results doping knowledge among athletes has increased after conducting the program. However, knowledge increment among old athletes is slow with compered to young athletes. After conducting the program many athletes have understood the consequences of doping and they have morally detached from doping. Most of the athletes did not show doping behavior after explaining the bad consequences in doping. Repeated participation for anti-doping awareness program showed positive improvements among athletes by reducing moral affinity for doping and increasing knowledge about prohibited substances and international standards and rules.

An overview of anti-doping rule violations in Sri Lankan sports from 2014 to 2020


Although information related to anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) within the doping control procedure is very useful, no studies have been carried out regarding the ADRVs in Sri Lanka. This study aimed to explore the ADRVs occurred in Sri Lanka from 2014 to 2020. The data relating to ADRVs in official records of the Sri Lanka Anti-Doping Agency and official sports websites were explored quantitatively and qualitatively in this study. This study reveals the reasons to dope, deterrents to doping, impacts of doping, modes of doping substance used to dope, and mode of supply of doping substance.

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This research findings were published in the 8th International Conference on Sport Science - AESA. URL : -

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